The start of his race was awesome. His dad was racing in the same race with him. They both went around the first corner and a got pics of his dad jumping and the dust was so bad I put my camera down to find my D. As the dust cleared I saw him coming off a the first jumps. I knew something was wrong. His bike landed nose first and the jumped. He flew off front forward and his legs whipped over his head as he landed. Or that's the way I remember it. By then I was screaming and heading that way. He tried to get up and everyone was like stay down but he knew enough that other bikes were coming over the hill at him. He tried to get up and had this dead dazed look on his face. I yelled for him to get down. The EMT's on the scene weren't moving fast enough for me so I took over making him lay down, not move and started talking to him. His mouth was bleeding a little bit from him braces. He said he couldn't breathe. By then his step mom was yelling just to transport him out. I'm glad she did cause I couldn't think that far ahead. They stopped the race and his dad looked around and couldn't find him so headed back to the wreck that had stopped the race and saw us on the ground. His dad and I both ran squad and that just kicked in. He was trying to get bikes loaded and get all his gear together so I stayed with him. I started holding c-spine and his dad checked his arms and legs for feeling. I put the c-collar on him and helped put him on the back board. I yelled for G to get my camera and start packing things up. We headed back to the life squad at the scene and had to wait for a transport squad. Other medics showed up and started vitals and I did a pelvic check and felt his back for deformities. After a while he just complained of a road rash feel on his back and a bloody elbow. We then started our way to the hospital. As long as I was busy I was fine but when I stopped I would see the wreck over and over again. The girls in the squad took pictures and he called them evil for going along with my plan to take pictures of him in his time of need..ha ha.. He felt good enough to give a thumbs up. And let me say, while he was rolling around on the ground he wanted to get up and finish the race. We had to do a lot of talking to keep him down.

I can't imagine the terror you must have felt!
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