Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Beauty to some

This week we got hit with snow, ice and then more snow. The kids were off school but it was too bad to really take them anywhere to sled. I made it to and from work the last two night with no trouble. My land yacht is awesome and I love it.. Driving to work at 1130 at night can be a bit scary when the roads are this bad but I stuck it in 4 wheel drive and off I went.. Here are a few pics from our front porch. When I woke up this afternoon a vehicle was off in the ditch in front of our house.

These last few look like the same tree but it's not.



Cathy said...

Really cool pictures Cathy! I especially love #3!!

SaraG said...

Great photo's. I wanted to get out and take some pictures last night when we got home from work but it was almost dark. I really love going out to Caesar Creek Lake and taking pictures after a snowfall, so maybe we will try to do that real soon!!
Take care and keep warm