Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our first try

G is already a nerdy geocacher with his pokin' stick.. just kiddin' honey. I don't know where he thinks he is going on this thang.

He really wants to find the treasure.

G and I took the youngest to go geocaching our first time ever. We didn't find the treasure but we had fun looking for it. I declared I would take pics and come home and blow them up and look for it. It didn't work. I still don't see anything. If ya don't know what geocaching is go to this website and check it out. ~Cathy


Traci said...

Great pictures. We HAVE to find it. It can be our new mission.

Ms. Tee said...

I've heard of geocaching before, but I've never done it myself. Sounds like fun. :) Thank you for stopping by!