Tuesday, November 11, 2008


For those of you that don't know or are new to my blog this is "baby" my Sony Alpha 300 DSLR camera. I am usually taking pictures with it so I don't have any of it. So today I took a picture with my phone and mobile posted this pic..How cool is that?

ANYWHO--- I love this camera, it goes everywhere I go ---well almost. I have a can cozy over the lens to protect it..I have banged it a few times and it has worked very well. I really want to get a different cover that has a saying with a bit more spunk on it like "Viagara" or "Corona" or "for a good time call" now who's number would I put on that??? Oh, I know....I should put on it "Yes, I am a can cozy, Yes, I am a good idea but it was not my owners idea" I receive that queston a lot. But anywho.. my nice green can cozy has Butler County Medical Center info on it ..whoooohoooo.. I also have a eye glass cleaning rag on the strap cause I always need to clean the filter and my parents gave me a car seat thing for my neck. This strap kills me after awhile. Well now you all know Baby..