Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My heart dropped

If you are new to my blog we have a 1 1/2 year old Yorkie, Emma and a 5 year old mutt cat, Baxter. They sleep in our laundry room during the night. The reason for this is Baxter has a habit in the middle of the night of announcing (very loudly) that he is out of food or he nibbling on your nose. Emma guards whatever bed she in on and barks when something moves, like Baxter announcing that he is starving at 3 am. So to keep some peace they sleep downstairs. Anyways, Emma doesn't like sleeping in there one bit and Baxter has a screaming fit if she isn't in there. As much as he hates his little sister he does love her and wants to be with her at night. He sleeps on the "top bunk" of the cage and she sleeps on the bottom.. She will wait for him to go in and then she tucks her tail and finally creeps in like a little old lady. In the morning as soon as there is movement she is bouncing off the door screaming: "PickME,,,PiCk mEEEEEEE..Hello humans..pick me and let me out to pee"
Okay on to my point of this blog....

So this morning when I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom I noticed she didn't make a sound. hUUUH I thought? Well maybe she knows it's a pre holiday morning and everyone but myself can sleep in.. So I jumped in the shower and ran downstairs to let her out and as I was coming down the stairs I could hear him screaming that something was wrong. I opened up the door and he just looked at me with those sad kitty cat eyes saying "She's not here, she didn't come to bed." I started looking everywhere. I looked in the dryer, the cage, livingroom, den and then made my way upstairs.. I thought she probably pulled a fast one on us and had a sleep over in the girls room. Baxter beat me upstairs and he was meowing pretty loud calling for her. We heard no jingle of her collar. Then I thought maybe she got out when one of the stray kids left and we didn't know it. No I thought, the last time I saw her was when she was helping D warm up some lasagna thinking she was going to get a bite. My heart dropped. I couldn't find her, no little jingle, no russel under the covers. I went in and told G what had happened. I checked the kids rooms again, nothing but feet with furry socks and light snores of kids actually sleeping in for once. It was just too peaceful in the house. I knew something was wrong. I started to think of all the little places she could have curled up. I kept going outside calling for her. NOTHING. I ran back upstiars and told G again that I could not find her.I was frantic...I just knew something had happened to her for her not to come out.

It was time for me to go to work and there was nothing else I could do. I went out to my car and things just flashed in my mind, G would look, he would get the kids, where could she be, is she hurt, is she dead, is she stuck in a cabinet or in the basement..oh I didn't look in the basement. Maybe she got shut in the craft room or the storage room well I didn't have time. I was so afraid that they would call me in a minute and tell me something terrible. My little girl, was she lost? I started to tear up at the same time I started to back up and I looked at the house one more time and there she was smiling at me..She does that little Yorkie all toofers grin.. I jumped out of the car and about that time my phone ran.. Then it stopped and G stuck his head the door and said: "She was under our bed"..Well then I got on her and said in a stern voice that she is not to do that. She is to come when I call her and then I picked her up and gave her a big mamma kiss. (Then I wanted to squeeze her really hard but I didn't) Then I left for work and wiped the tears from my eyes.
Little shit...


Cathy said...

You know, it's such a shame that no one loves that dog!!!!

Anonymous said...

whew! I was waiting for the sad ending. it's kinda sick how attached to our pets we get, hu? I still cry actual tears over a dog we lost 5 years ago.