I have added a few new gals to my blogroll (the bottom one) this is the list where they go so I can check them out. If I like their over all content then I stick them up in the other list to stalk..lol...just kiddin but maybe not. I need to do some movin around but for now I will leave it.
Willow Decor
Happy Meals and Happy Hour
Mindless Junque
Blah Blah Blah
Song for Whoever
I really wish the flowers would start to bloom so I'd have something to talk about. I am at a complete blog stand still. I just don't have anything to say lately and that's quite odd for me. I can talk for hours about mindless crap. Like the other day Emma was outside and her poop had steam coming off of it.. now I know that's what happens but I'd never seen it. I didn't think fast enough cause I just now thought, I didn't get a picture. I know. sick sick sick..I know. I am grabbing here...SO.. not that I have an interesting life but does anyone have any questions for me. First question- when are you going to shut up.. right now. If ya want to know anything about me, the family (in general), Emma, what my favorite show is please ask..Please!! I'm in a funk.
And vote on my stupid poll..Paleeeazzze~Cathy
Icky Spooky
16 years ago
How can I help you, I'm having trouble coming up with stuff for mine! lol
I think a lot of people are struggling right now. It's just that time of the year when things are little boring, I guess.
1. Tell us about where you came from and what your childhood was like.
2. Tell us about your favorite vacation or what your dream vacation would be.
3. What's your dream job, if you could do or be anything?
Sorry, that's all I got! :)
I got nothing...(I was happy to see I'm in the I'm looking at U list!!)
Do you read books frequently? How about book or movie reviews or other memes?
(This all coming from the chick who doesn't blog frequently and has 12 followers...I might not be the best person to give any type of blogging advice!)
I vote in your poll! I've heard of pioneer woman, but I don't think I've ever been to her blog. I've got almost 100 blogs I follow through Google Reader and I'm scared to add anymore!!
How did you meet your husband?
Do you have any tattoos?
What is one of your most embarrassing moments?
Favorite place you've ever been?
Favorite movie/book?
Need more? ;o)
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