Saturday, February 28, 2009

My favorite vacation

Cathy from TCKK asked what is my favorite vacation.

Answer- I don't know that I have a actual favorite. I have been several places at different times of my life and they are all neat in their own way.

Let's start when I was little. I didn't care much for the cave trips. Boring to me but I did them and I lived. We went to Michigan mushroom hunting one year with my aunt and uncle and that was fun. I loved mushroom hunting. We went over the border to Canada I guess just to say we were there and now I can say "we were there". We went to the german town- Frankenmuth and I really want to go back there but no one else ever seems to be interested in Michigan.

Mom and dad took us to Gatlinburg and Cherokee, NC. A few years back I went to Cherokee and it didn't have the same feel as I remember. I will have to think about my very favorite vaca...really any that I'm not at home or work. ~Cathy


Cathy said...

Hey I want to do Frankenmuth too!

Justine said...

You used to Spelunk? Cool! Why didn't you like the caves? How could mushroom hunting be fun? Why were all your vacations so... well... weird? LOL

Justine :o )